Custom made Belts with custom buckle with tip and conchos our belts come in a brown color sizes 30 to 44 inches 80.00
To order a belt choose the pointed buckle with conchos on the left or the western buckle on the right without conchos Medium or Dark Brown sizes 30 to 44 inches
Western buckle 3 piece buckle set Belt without conchos Medium or Dark Brown sizes 30 to 44 inches 80.00
Western buckle 3 piece buckle set Belt without conchos Medium or Dark Brown sizes 30 to 44 inches 80.00
Western buckle 3 piece buckle set Belt without conchos Medium or Dark Brown sizes 30 to 44 inches 80.00
Western buckle 3 piece buckle set Belt without conchos Medium or Dark Brown sizes 30 to 44 inches 80.00
We offer a custom made gun slip made to fit a gun for a over and under with 32 inch barrels shorter longer slips avaiable 195.00 limited numbers.
New Leather gun slip with Velcro closure while supplies last
Our trophy buckle belts are XXX size over 60 inches or longer. The belts are designed so you can shorten the belt or change buckles. 100.00
We offer custom made shooting pouches made with exotic cowhide leather Small bag 40.00
We offer custom made shooting pouches made with exotic cowhide leather large bag is 60.00
New Leather gun slip made with a Velcro closure 120.00 while supplies last
New style gun slip does not have a flap but has Velcro closure on the inside all have faux fur lining 120.00 while supplies last
New style gun slip does not have a flap but has Velcro closure on the inside all have faux fur lining barrel slips available 60.00 while supplies last